
  • “Ensuring the safety of our community is a top priority for me. As a mother and Auburn resident, I know how important it is to feel like you and your family are living somewhere secure where you can thrive. I support initiatives that strengthen law enforcement agencies, promote community policing, and prioritize proactive crime prevention strategies.”

    Supporting Police: In order to keep Auburn safe, we need a Police Department that is fully staffed, trained, funded, trusted and accountable. I’ll support the Auburn Police Department’s efforts to reduce response times, increase response rates and ensure that any instances of police misconduct is addressed.

    Health Services: I’ll push for additional state funding to expand community behavioral health services and addiction treatment programs in our area, and ensure Auburn secures additional funds for homelessness response and affordable housing.

  • “Auburn is a great place to live and work, and ensuring that our local economy remains strong and continues to grow is crucial for our city to thrive. By attracting and supporting employers and workers, we can continue to create opportunities and enhance the overall quality of life for residents. As a councilmember, I will support entrepreneurship, our small businesses, and work to attract industries that align with the city's values and long-term vision.”

    Supporting Businesses: Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy. It’s extremely important to me that the City of Auburn continues to create partnerships and work with financial institutions to empower local entrepreneurs and small business owners.

    Responsibility: As your councilmember, I’ll make decisions based on what is best for Auburn residents and businesses. We need to ensure the city balances its budgets and addresses inflation without placing any additional burden on the community. I’ll propose increases to be left up to the people through ballot initiatives so everyone’s voice is heard.

  • “I want to build Auburn up as a city that encourages innovation, collaboration and sustainable growth. By strengthening partnerships between city government, community organizations and residents, we can better address local concerns, enhance public services, and promote civic engagement.”

    Expanding Housing: As your councilmember, I will ensure Auburn claims funds left on the table that fill gaps in our housing to support all income levels, in-line with the city’s obligations to the Growth Management Act and the city’s Comprehensive Plan. The city leveraged ARPA funds to support clean and sober housing as well as financial support to local service providers. We should continue seeking ways to fill gaps in service for those experiencing drug addiction and mental health disorders. We must support and protect the housing we have, particularly affordable housing, from redevelopment.

    Homelessness: The Average Daily Population of homeless individuals in Auburn and around the region has increased dramatically in recent years. I support continued partnership with the South King Housing and Homelessness Authority and King County so we can combine funding and resources and keep collaborating to address this regional issue.

    Compassion: Our measure of success in Auburn on homelessness isn’t by how many times they move locations or find themselves in jail. It must be rehabilitation and treatment to help those stuck in cycles of poverty and substance abuse that leads to crime. I support the work of the city’s homelessness team and their work to lead with compassion and empathy, but also with accountability. We do need to protect our critical and natural areas, and ensure residents feel safe on Auburn trails and at our parks facilities and courts.

    Transit & Transportation: I support Transit-Oriented Development policies to better connect people and places. We need to ensure transit agencies maintain service at these locations. Auburn is on the edge of the Puget Sound and not fully served by public transit. I want to work with the county and state and support funding to bring additional service to Auburn, and things like grants to support existing systems.

  • “As a reporter for many years, I know how important it is for people to feel like they can trust their local government officials, and know that they are accountable to the people. I’m committed to serving with integrity and holding myself and the rest of the city council accountable to the best interests and needs of the residents of Auburn, not special interests.”

    Transparency: As your councilmember, I’ll take every opportunity to improve transparency and dialogue between city government and the community. By expanding access to city data, reports and analytics, we can further include Auburn residents and fulfill our responsibility to the community.

    Engagement: As your councilmember, I will push for more opportunities for residents to make their voice heard on city plans through in-person events, online surveys and more.


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